教育名著《The Elements of Teaching》读后感
几周前开始阅读《教学的元素》The Elements of Teaching这本书,里面提到了关于教学的十个元素,因为是英文原版,还是不太好读,长难句也不少。磕磕绊绊地读完了,感触颇深。特此分享。
1. 为什么作者说很多老师忘了教学是门艺术活?
Because many teachers are trained in the sciences
and techniques of education, and professional teachers know how to apply the
methods and psychology they have learned. But there is a challenge: they must
improvise as best they can.
2. 10项教学的元素:learning, authority, ethics, order, imagination, compassion, patience,
tenacity, character, and pleasure.
“What ground, medium, color, form, and implements
are to the visual arts, so certain constituents— learning, authority, ethics,
order, imagination, compassion, patience, tenacity, character, and pleasure—are
to teaching. Just as all artists learn, know, select, and employ varieties of
each of the constituent elements of their craft in creating their distinct
works, so teachers use the components of their own art to teach in ways as
distinctive as each teacher is unique. For this reason, teaching has always defied
strict and agreed-upon definition.”
3. 教学和科学、艺术之间的共同点分别是什么?
“So while we cannot predict the outcome of teaching
from its ingredients, we can isolate these ingredients, much as we can those of
any art, in order to examine and understand them.”
“While teaching shares some of the attributes of
science—its necessary components can be identified, some of its good results
can be repeated, discoveries about it can be built upon—it is intrinsically an
imaginative synthesis.”
4. 教师和艺术家有什么不同?
According to the writer, different from artists,
teachers rarely think about what they are and what they know of themselves.
Artists will think about the ingredients while teachers will not consider the
elements that make up their daily work. Teachers spend little time discuss that
with their colleagues.
5. 教师为什么必须是道德的?
“Teachers are ethical not only because the
trusteeship role of instruction requires it; teachers are ethical so that their
students can learn how to be ethical, too. Teachers exhibit pleasure in the
classroom not only to enhance learning but also to exhibit to their students
the delight that comes with acquiring and using knowledge.”
6. 为什么说教学比学习难度更大?
Teachers need to pass on the positive traits of
human to others. Teachers need to devote themselves into teaching, knowing the
effects teacher have or ought to have on students. Learning requires effort,
but teaching requires more for the moral and human responsibility it takes.
7. 如果教师停止学习,会造成什么后果?
“The most ambitious students quickly spot the
teacher without command of a subject or the one who has no genuine thirst for
knowledge; they mark that teacher as lacking in authority, as someone whose
ignorance of a subject poses a threat to their own well-being by preventing
them from learning all they might be taught.”
“Thus for a teacher to stop learning is to destroy
one of the principal means a teacher has to bridge the gap between ignorance
and knowledge and between despair and hope. What is more, to stop learning
suggests to students that a teacher is bored with the subject; and, alas,
boredom is every bit as infectious as enthusiasm.”
8. 教师保持学习的方式有哪些?
“Keeping current with a body of knowledge does not,
however, necessitate only solitary reading and study; it can be accomplished
with colleagues in study groups, in formal programs of continuing professional
education, and by attendance at meetings of scholars and fellow professionals.
What matters is not the means of staying abreast of knowledge but the actual
pursuit of that knowledge.”
9. 教学中最危险的事情之一是什么?
“Detecting ignorance while
inadvertently overlooking understanding is one of the great hazards of all
10. 会学习的老师如何回应学生关于“学习意义”的问题?
“Because acquiring this knowledge is difficult.
Because you will feel triumphant when it no longer confuses you. Because you
will enjoy what you can do with it. Because in learning it you may discover new
perspectives on life, new ways of thinking. Because its possession will make
you more alive than its alternative, which is ignorance.”