最近,东方甄选“嚎叫式直播”被嘲上热搜,大家又怀念起董宇辉的“文化输出型”带货。形容一个人有文化有涵养英语可以说cultured(有文化),well-read(博览群书),knowledgeable(博学的),well-educated(受过良好教育的)等等: He's cultured and well-read, always quoting literature in conversation. 他博览群书,说话经常引经据典。 He's cultured and worldly. 他有修养且博学多才。 She carries herself with such grace and knowledge, truly a cultured individual. 她举止优雅,知识渊博,确实是一个有教养的人。 He's well-read and knowledgeable. 他饱读诗书,很博学。 She's got culture and manners down pat, you can tell she's well-bred. 她文化修养和礼貌都很到位,看得出她来自良好的家庭。 董宇辉不但读书得多,有文化,受到大家的喜欢还因为很真诚,“真诚”可以用genuine,unaffected,sincere等词来表达,例句: He is a very genuine person. 他是一个非常真诚的人。 She is a genuine person who always speaks from the heart. 她是一个真诚的人,说话总是从内心出发。 He is very sincere. 他非常诚恳。 He is an honest person through and through. 他是一个彻头彻尾的诚实人。 He is a man of integrity. 他是一个正直的人。 |